Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) in Adelaide, South Australia & online via Zoom.
You may have already heard that Hypnotherapy has been demonstrated to offer significant hope for sufferers of IBS, including IBS-c & IBS-d. Utilising hypnotherapy in the treatment of IBS has recently began to gain some traction and you may think it is a fairly new idea. The truth is that high quality scientific studies dating back as far as 1989 have long validated hypnotherapy as a superior form of treatment for sufferers. - Whorwell PJ; Prior A; Faragher EB. (University of Manchester) Controlled trial of hypnotherapy in the treatment of severe refractory irritable-bowel syndrome. The Lancet 1984, 2: 1232-4.
“IBS, with both physical and emotional symptoms is unfortunately very common and has many origins. IBS can interfere substantially with many aspects of a person’s quality of life. The first step is always a visit to a GP to rule out organic causes, however you may find that the medical treatments currently available for treating it are limited.
You may have already had a variety of physical tests which may not have identified any physical origin of your difficulties. This is where Hypnosis can give you more control over all aspects of the syndrome including pain and its effects on your life. Hypnosis changes how your brain deals with the information it receives from your body and as a result of these changes, your symptoms will decrease substantially and you will feel much more control. The skills that we can teach you have been scientifically tested and found to be effective in reducing the intensity of all the major symptoms. You will have these skills available to you at any time and for the rest of your life.
You should expect that the number of sessions required will not be less than 5 or 6 but you may decide that you can benefit from some additional sessions to target specific additional issues. In this case you may choose to continue treatment.
It is well established that the way in which we deal with stress impacts IBS symptoms. Although targeted in the treatment of IBS, treatment will also include improving how you manage stress in your life. Your overall treatment will be supported by the provision of sound recordings which you can continue to use in your own time.
The control that you will acquire will last for the rest of your life.
It is not uncommon for patients to experience immediate relief right from their first session.
In addition to being a fully qualified Hypno-Psychotherapist & Hypno- Counsellor, Nathan is a licensed Chek Holistic Lifestyle Coach and is able to offer dietary and lifestyle modification advice that will likely provide significant improvement in your symptoms alone.
There are various treatment options available for receiving treatment. For those residing in Adelaide, South Australia, you may wish to attend my home based clinic located in the Adelaide Northern suburb of Gawler. Treatment is also highly effective when delivered via Zoom.
Since 2013, I have been assisting people to understand and improve their physical and mental wellbeing. Offering Hypnotherapy in Adelaide , South Australia. You can consult with me online or in person by going to our Book An Appointment page.